Malaysian Roti Canai Recipe

Malaysian Roti Canai Recipe

Roti Canai is a popular Malaysian flatbread that is usually served with curry or dhal. Here is a recipe for making it:


500g all-purpose flour

2 tsp salt

1 tsp sugar

1 egg

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1/2 cup warm water

1/2 cup condensed milk


In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt, and sugar. Mix well.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg and add the vegetable oil, warm water, and condensed milk. Mix well.

Gradually add the wet mixture to the dry mixture, stirring constantly until a smooth dough forms.

Knead the dough for about 10 minutes until it becomes soft and pliable. Cover the mixture with a clammy material and let it rest for something like 30 minutes.

Partition the mixture into little balls, about the size of a golf ball.

Roll each ball out into a thin disc, about 1/4 inch thick. Stretch the dough by pulling the edges, and then slapping the dough between your hands to make it even thinner.

Heat a non-stick skillet over medium-high intensity.  Place the rolled-out dough on the pan and cook for about 1-2 minutes, until the bottom is golden brown.

Flip the mixture and cook the opposite side until it is likewise brilliant brown. Rehash with the excess batter balls

Serve hot with curry or dhal.

Enjoy your homemade Malaysian Roti Canai!

Roti Canai Recipe Tips.

Roti canai is a delicious and popular flatbread in Malaysia. 

Here are some tips for making it at home:

Use good quality flour: 

The key to making soft and flaky roti canai is to use good-quality flour. You can utilize either regular flour or bread flour. Make sure it's fresh and not expired.

Knead the dough well: 

Kneading the dough well is important to activate the gluten in the flour and make the roti canai elastic. Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes until it's smooth and elastic.

Rest the dough:

 After kneading, let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes. This will make the dough easier to roll out and prevent it from shrinking when you stretch it.

Use ghee or butter:

 Ghee or butter is traditionally used to make roti canai. It adds a rich, buttery flavor to the bread. You can also use oil if you prefer.

Stretch the dough:

 The key to making the thin and flaky layers of roti canai is to stretch the dough. You can do this by flipping and stretching the dough with your hands or by using a rolling pin.

Cook on a hot griddle:

 Cook the roti canai on a hot griddle or tawa. This will give it a crispy exterior and a soft, flaky interior. Brush the roti canai with ghee or butter while cooking to give it extra flavor.

Serve with curry: 

Roti canai is traditionally served with a spicy curry dipping sauce. You can make your curry or use store-bought curry paste.

Enjoy your delicious homemade roti canai!

Roti vs Roti Canai.

Roti and roti canai are both types of flatbreads that are popular in South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine, respectively. While there are likenesses between the two, there are likewise a few key contrasts.

Roti is a type of flatbread that is common in Indian cuisine. It is typically made from wheat flour, water, and salt, and may also include other ingredients such as oil, milk, or yogurt. The dough is rolled out into thin rounds, which are then cooked on a griddle or tawa until they are golden brown and slightly crispy.

Roti canai, on the other hand, is a type of flatbread that is popular in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. It is made from a dough that is similar to that of roti, but it also includes ghee or margarine, which gives it a richer flavor and a softer texture. The dough is stretched and folded repeatedly to create many layers, which helps to make the roti canai flaky and tender. It is typically served with a variety of savory or sweet dipping sauces, such as curry or condensed milk.

In summary, while both roti and roti canai are flatbreads, the key differences lie in the ingredients used and the cooking techniques. Roti is a simple flatbread made from wheat flour, while roti canai is a richer and more complex flatbread that is made with ghee or margarine and requires a more elaborate preparation process to create its signature flaky texture.

Is Malaysian roti healthy?

The healthiness of Malaysian roti can depend on various factors, such as the ingredients used, cooking method, and serving size.

Traditionally, Malaysian roti is made from wheat flour, water, and oil or ghee, which are kneaded together to form a dough. The dough is then flattened and cooked on a hot griddle until it's crispy and golden brown. Some versions of roti may also include additional ingredients such as eggs or sugar.

In terms of nutritional value, roti can be a good source of carbohydrates, which can provide energy for the body. However, it can also be high in calories, especially if it's made with a lot of oil or ghee. Additionally, some versions of roti may contain added sugar or salt, which can contribute to health problems if consumed in excess.

If you are concerned about the healthfulness of roti, it's a good idea to pay attention to the ingredients used and cooking methods. Opt for roti made with whole wheat flour instead of refined flour, as it contains more fiber and nutrients. Additionally, try to limit the amount of oil or ghee used during the cooking process, and choose fillings that are low in fat and calories, such as vegetables or lean meats. Finally, keep your serving size in check, as eating too much of any food, including roti, can contribute to weight gain and other health problems.

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