Thai Green Curry Recipe.


Thai Green Curry Recipe.

Sure! Here's a recipe for Thai Green Curry:


2 tablespoons green curry paste

1 can (14 oz) coconut milk

1 pound chicken, sliced or cubed

1 tablespoon oil

1 tablespoon fish sauce

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 cup mixed vegetables (such as bell pepper, snow peas, and carrots)

Thai basil leaves (optional)


Heat the oil and Add the green curry glue and pan-fried food for around 1 moment, until fragrant.

Add the chicken to the pan and stir-fry until it is no longer pink.

Add the coconut milk, fish sauce, and brown sugar to the pan. Stir everything together until the sugar has dissolved.

Add the mixed vegetables to the compartment and blend to unite. Carry everything to a stew and cook for 5-10 minutes, until the vegetables are cooked through and the sauce has thickened.

If using, add some Thai basil leaves to the pan and stir to combine. Serve hot with rice.

Enjoy your homemade Thai Green Curry!

Thai Green Curry Paste Ingredients.

Green curry paste is a popular Thai condiment used as a base for making green curry dishes. The ingredients used to make green curry paste can vary depending on the recipe, but some common ingredients include:

Green chili peppers:

 These give the paste its signature green color and spicy flavor.

Lemon grass:

 This adds a bright, citrusy flavor to the paste.


A root similar to ginger, galangal adds a slightly spicy and floral flavor.

Kaffir lime strip: 

The zing of the kaffir lime adds an unpleasant and fragrant citrus flavor.

Garlic: Garlic adds an impactful flavor and fragrance to the glue.


Shallots provide a mild onion-like flavor.

Coriander root: 

The roots of the coriander plant add a slightly sweet and earthy flavor.

Shrimp paste: 

This fermented seafood adds a savory, umami flavor to the paste.


Salt is added to enhance the overall flavor of the paste.

These ingredients are typically ground together into a paste using a mortar and pestle or a food processor. The resulting paste can then be used to make a variety of dishes, including green curry chicken, beef, or vegetables.

What gives Thai green curry its flavor?

The primary ingredient that gives green curry its flavor is the green curry paste, which is made from a blend of herbs and spices.

The green curry paste typically includes ingredients like green chilies, lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime zest, coriander root, garlic, and shallots. These ingredients are pounded together to create a fragrant and flavorful paste that forms the base of the curry.

Coconut milk is another important ingredient that contributes to the flavor of green curry. It provides a creamy and slightly sweet flavor that balances the spiciness of the curry paste. Other ingredients such as fish sauce, sugar, and lime juice are also added to the curry to enhance its flavor.

Finally, the choice of protein used in the curry, such as chicken, shrimp, or tofu, can also affect the overall flavor of the dish. The protein is cooked in the curry sauce, absorbing the flavors and adding its unique taste to the dish.

Overall, the combination of the curry paste, coconut milk, and other ingredients creates a complex and aromatic flavor profile that is both spicy and savory, making green curry a delicious and satisfying dish.

What oil to use for Thai curry?

For Thai curry, you can use a variety of oils depending on your personal preference and what's available to you. 

Here are some commonly used oils in Thai cooking:

Coconut oil: 

This is a popular choice for Thai curry as it adds a subtle coconut flavor to the dish. It's also high in saturated fat, making it a stable cooking oil at high temperatures.

Peanut oil: 

This oil has a neutral flavor and a high smoke point, making it a good option for high-heat cooking.

Vegetable oil: 

This is a common cooking oil in Thai cuisine due to its neutral flavor and affordability.

Sesame oil: 

This oil has a nutty flavor and is often used as a finishing oil to add flavor to dishes.

Ultimately, the choice of oil depends on personal preference and what's available to you. If you're looking for an authentic Thai flavor, consider using coconut oil or peanut oil.

How to make Thai curry more flavorful?

Thai curries are already known for their bold and complex flavors, but if you want to make them even more flavorful, here are some tips you can try:

Use fresh herbs and spices: 

The key to making a flavorful Thai curry is using fresh herbs and spices. Don't be afraid to use lots of fresh lemongrasses, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and Thai basil. You can also add some coriander seeds and cumin for extra depth of flavor.

Toast your spices: 

To bring out the natural oils and flavors of your spices, toast them in a dry pan over medium heat for a few minutes before adding them to the curry.

Use quality curry paste: 

Curry paste is the foundation of your curry, so use a good quality brand that uses fresh ingredients and has no preservatives. You can also make your curry paste for an even fresher flavor.

Balance the flavors: 

Thai curries are all about balancing the flavors of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy. Taste your curry as you cook and adjust the flavors as needed. If it's too spicy, add some coconut milk or sugar to balance it out.

Use coconut cream: 

For a richer and creamier curry, use coconut cream instead of coconut milk. Coconut cream has a thicker consistency and a stronger coconut flavor.

Add fish sauce:

 Fish sauce is a staple ingredient in Thai cooking and adds a salty umami flavor to your curry.

Add some lime juice:

 A squeeze of fresh lime juice can brighten up the flavors of your curry and add some acidity.

Add some toppings:

 Fresh herbs, chopped peanuts, and crispy fried shallots are all great toppings that can add extra flavor and texture to your curry.

By following these tips, you can take your Thai curry to the next level and make it even more flavorful.

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