European Escargots recipe

European Escargots recipe

Sure, here's a classic recipe for European Escargots:


24 live European snails

1/2 cup unsalted margarine, relaxed

1/4 cup finely chopped shallots

3 cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoons finely slashed new parsley

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1/4 cup dry white wine

24 snail shells

Baguette, for serving


Preheat your broiler to 400°F (200°C).

Rinse the snails under cold water and pat them dry with paper towels.

In a mixing bowl, combine the softened butter, shallots, garlic, parsley, thyme, salt, and black pepper.

Stir in the white wine until the mixture is well-combined.

Place one snail in each shell and fill the remaining space with the butter mixture, using a small spoon or a piping bag.

Arrange the filled snail shells on a baking sheet or in an escargot dish.

Bake the escargots for 10-12 minutes, until the butter is melted and bubbling.

Serve the hot escargots with slices of baguette for dipping into the butter.

Enjoy your delicious European Escargots!

How is escargot usually prepared?

Escargot, or edible land snails, is a delicacy that is typically prepared in a garlic butter sauce. The snails are removed from their shells and cleaned, and then cooked in a sauce made of butter, garlic, shallots, parsley, and sometimes white wine or brandy. The snails are then returned to their shells and topped with the garlic butter sauce before being served.

Escargot can also be prepared in other ways, such as in a tomato or cream sauce, or with herbs like thyme or tarragon. The snails can also be grilled, fried, or served as a topping on a pizza or in a salad. However, the classic preparation of garlic butter sauce is the most common and popular way to serve escargot

What is the difference between escargot and snails?

Escargots and snails are the same things. "Escargot" is simply the French word for "snails," and it is commonly used to refer to a dish that consists of cooked snails. In other words, when you order "escargot" at a French restaurant, you are essentially ordering a dish of cooked snails that have been removed from their shells, cooked in butter and garlic, and typically served with a side of bread or other accompaniments.

So, to sum up, there is no difference between escargot and snails; they are the same thing. The only difference is that "escargot" is the French term for snails and is often used for a specific dish made with cooked snails.

How do you prepare snails for escargots?

To prepare snails for escargots, you will need life or freshly harvested snails, preferably of the Helix aspersa species, as they are commonly used for this dish. Here are the steps to follow:

Clean the snails: 

Rinse the snails thoroughly in cold water to remove any dirt or debris.

Starve the snails: 

Place the snails in a container with cornmeal or flour for about three days, to allow them to purge any remaining waste from their digestive systems.

Boil the snails:

 Place the snails in a large pot of boiling water and boil them for about 10 minutes to kill them and soften the flesh.

Remove the snails from their shells: 

Use a small fork or toothpick to remove the snails from their shells.

Clean the shells:

 Clean the empty shells by scrubbing them with a brush, then rinse them and let them dry.

Prepare the garlic butter: 

In a separate bowl, mix softened butter, garlic, parsley, salt, and pepper.

Stuff the shells with the snails and garlic butter: 

Using a small spoon or piping bag, stuff each shell with a snail and a small amount of garlic butter.

Bake the escargots: 

Preheat your oven to 400°F, place the filled shells on a baking sheet, and bake them for 10-12 minutes until the butter is bubbling and the snails are hot.

Serve hot: 

Serve the escargots hot with crusty bread on the side to mop up the garlic butter. Enjoy!

Why is escargot so expensive?

Escargot, or snails, can be expensive for several reasons:

Difficulty in farming: 

Snails require specific conditions to thrive, including a moist environment, specific temperatures, and a specific diet. This makes farming snails a labor-intensive process that requires specialized knowledge and infrastructure, which can increase the cost of production.

Limited supply: 

While snails are found all over the world, not all snail species are suitable for consumption, and not all regions have access to a large enough supply of edible snails. This limited supply can drive up prices due to increased demand.

Labor-intensive harvesting:

 In the wild, snails are difficult to find and harvest. Even when farmed, snails must be hand-picked and cleaned, which requires a significant amount of labor.

High demand:

 Escargot is considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, which drives up demand and, in turn, increases the price.

Import costs: 

If the snails are being imported from another country, the cost of shipping, customs duties, and other fees can also increase the overall cost.

All of these factors can contribute to the high cost of escargot.

Are escargots healthy?

Escargots, also known as edible snails, can be a healthy food option when consumed in moderation and prepared healthily. They are low in calories and fat and high in protein and essential nutrients such as iron, magnesium, and vitamin B12.

However, it's worth noting that escargots are often prepared with butter and garlic, which can increase the calorie and fat content of the dish. Additionally, escargots may contain high levels of sodium if they are prepared with salt.

Overall, if consumed in moderation and prepared healthily, escargots can be a nutritious and delicious addition to your diet. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian if you have any specific questions or concerns about your diet.

What is the English name for escargot?

The English name for escargot is "snails". Escargot is a French word that refers specifically to cooked land snails, often served as a delicacy in French cuisine.

Are snails cooked alive for escargot?

Traditionally, snails are cooked alive for escargot, although this practice may not be as common today. The process typically involves purging the snails of any remaining food or waste, then boiling or simmering them in a flavorful broth or wine mixture, often with garlic and herbs. The cooked snails are then removed from their shells, cleaned, and prepared with butter and more seasoning.

However, it's worth noting that there is some controversy around the ethics of cooking live animals for food. Some chefs and food experts recommend killing the snails before cooking them to avoid causing unnecessary suffering. There are various methods for doing this, including freezing, blanching, or using a specialized device that delivers a quick, humane death.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to cook snails alive or not may depend on cultural and personal preferences, as well as ethical considerations.

Do you eat the whole snail in escargot?

In the traditional French preparation of escargot, the whole snail is typically served, including the edible portion of the snail's body and its foot, which is used to push against the shell. The snail is usually cooked in a garlic butter sauce inside its shell and then extracted using a small fork or specialized snail tongs.

However, it's worth noting that some people may choose not to eat certain parts of the snail or may prefer to remove them before eating. Ultimately, whether or not to eat the whole snail is a matter of personal preference.

Are snails healthy to eat?

Snails can be a healthy food choice, as they are low in calories, high in protein, and contain beneficial nutrients such as iron, calcium, and vitamin E. However, it's important to note that not all snails are safe to eat. Some species may carry parasites or toxins that can be harmful to humans.

If you are interested in trying snails as food, it's best to purchase them from a reputable source that specializes in edible snails. The snails should be thoroughly cleaned and cooked before consumption to ensure any potential pathogens are destroyed.

Additionally, if you have any allergies or medical conditions, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before adding snails to your diet.

How long does to starve snails before cooking?

It is not recommended to starve snails before cooking them. It is considered cruel and unnecessary to do so.

If you are planning to cook live snails, it is best to purge them before cooking to remove any impurities from their digestive system. To do this, place the snails in a container with dampened cornmeal or flour for at least 24 hours. During this time, the snails will consume the cornmeal or flour and expel any waste, resulting in cleaner and more flavorful meat.

Once you have purged the snails, you can then cook them using your preferred method. Keep in mind that snails can be a bit tough and chewy, so they are often cooked for an extended period to soften the meat.

Escargot flavor description

Escargots, which are cooked land snails, have a unique flavor and texture that can be difficult to describe. They are often described as having a chewy texture, similar to mussels or clams, and a slightly earthy or mushroom-like taste.

The flavor of escargot can vary depending on how they are prepared and what seasonings are used. Typically, they are cooked in garlic butter and herbs, which can give them a rich, buttery flavor with a hint of garlic. Some people also describe the taste as slightly gamey or similar to chicken or veal.

Overall, the taste of escargot may not be for everyone, but they are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world and are often enjoyed with a glass of wine or champagne.

Why is my escargot chewy?

Escargot can become chewy for a few reasons:


 If the escargot is cooked for too long, it can become tough and chewy. This is because the proteins in the snail's muscle fibers become overcooked and lose their tenderness.

Low-quality snails: 

The quality of the snails used can also impact the texture of the escargot. If the snails are not of good quality, they may be tougher and chewier than snails of better quality.

Improper preparation: 

Escargot needs to be prepared correctly to achieve the desired texture. If the snails are not cleaned properly, or if they are not cooked with the right ingredients and techniques, they can become chewy.

To avoid chewy escargot, ensure that you are using high-quality snails, cooking them for the appropriate amount of time, and preparing them correctly. If you are not sure how to prepare escargot properly, it may be best to consult a professional or a reputable recipe.

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