Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe


Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe

Certainly! Here's a recipe for chocolate lava cake:


4 ounces clashing chocolate, cleaved

1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut into pieces

2 large eggs

2 large egg yolks

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, sifted

Powdered sugar and fresh berries for serving (optional)


Preheat your stove to 425°F (218°C). Oil 4 (6-ounce) ramekins with spread and residue with cocoa powder or flour.

In a double boiler or a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water, melt the chocolate and butter together, stirring occasionally, until smooth. Remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes.

In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, and salt until pale and thick, about 2-3 minutes.

Fold in the melted chocolate mixture and sifted flour until well combined.

Partition the hitter uniformly among the pre-arranged ramekins.

Bake for 12-14 minutes, until the edges are set and the center is still slightly jiggly.

Let the cakes cool in the ramekins for 1-2 minutes before running a knife around the edges and inverting them onto serving plates.

Dust with powdered sugar and top with new berries whenever wanted. Serve immediately while the centers are still molten.

Partake in your heavenly and debauched chocolate magma cake!

is Chocolate lava cake unhealthy?

Choco lava cake can be considered unhealthy when consumed in excess or as a regular part of a diet. It typically contains high amounts of sugar, refined flour, and saturated fat, which can lead to weight gain, high blood sugar levels, and other health issues when consumed in large quantities.

However, it's okay to enjoy choco lava cake as an occasional treat or in moderation. You can also try making healthier versions at home using natural sweeteners, whole grain flour, and healthier fats like coconut oil or avocado oil.

Remember that a balanced diet includes a variety of foods in moderation, so it's okay to indulge in your favorite desserts from time to time as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Lava Cake Filling: 

The filling in a lava cake is typically made of chocolate ganache, which is a rich and creamy mixture of chocolate and heavy cream. The ganache is usually made by heating the cream and pouring it over the chopped chocolate, then stirring until the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth. Some variations of lava cake may also incorporate other ingredients such as butter, sugar, eggs, flour, and cocoa powder into the filling mixture. When the cake is baked, the heat causes the outer layer to form a cake-like texture while the inside remains molten, resulting in the "lava" effect when the cake is cut open.

Is lava cake undercooked?

Lava cake is a type of dessert that is intentionally undercooked in the center to create a molten, gooey center. The outside of the cake is fully cooked, while the inside remains liquid, creating a rich and decadent dessert. So, while it may appear undercooked, it is prepared in a specific way to achieve its desired texture and flavor. However, it is important to note that the cake should still be safe to eat and not raw or uncooked.

What is the contrast between molten and lava cake?

Molten cake and lava cake are two similar desserts, but they have some differences in terms of their ingredients and preparation methods.

Molten cake, also known as chocolate lava cake, is a type of dessert made with a chocolate cake batter that has a melted chocolate center. The cake batter is usually made with eggs, sugar, flour, and chocolate, and is baked at a high temperature for a short amount of time. When the cake is removed from the oven, the center is still liquid and warm, creating the "molten" effect. Molten cakes are typically served warm, and can be topped with powdered sugar, whipped cream, or ice cream.

Lava cake, on the other hand, is a dessert that typically features a cake-like exterior with a creamy, melted center that can be made with a variety of flavors, not just chocolate. The creamy center is achieved by filling the cake with a mixture of melted chocolate, butter, and cream, which is often added after the cake has been baked and hollowed out. The cake is then reheated to melt the filling, creating the "lava" effect. Lava cakes are typically served warm and can be topped with powdered sugar, fruit, or ice cream.

In summary, molten cakes have a melted chocolate center created by the baking process, while lava cakes have a creamy center created by adding a filling to the cake after it is baked.

How do you keep lava cakes from sticking?

Lava cakes are delicious desserts that can be tricky to make, as they have a soft and delicate texture that can easily stick to the baking dish.

 Here are some tips to help prevent lava cakes from sticking:

Grease the ramekins: 

Using a non-stick cooking spray or brushing the ramekins with melted butter or vegetable oil can create a barrier between the lava cake and the dish, preventing it from sticking.

Use parchment paper: 

Placing a parchment paper circle at the bottom of each ramekin can make it easier to remove the lava cakes once they are baked.

Dust with cocoa powder or flour: 

Dusting the inside of the ramekins with cocoa powder or flour can also help prevent the lava cakes from sticking.

Don't overfill the ramekins:

 Leave some space at the top of the ramekins to prevent the batter from overflowing and sticking to the sides of the dish.

Let the cakes cool slightly: 

Allow the lava cakes to cool for a few minutes before attempting to remove them from the ramekins. This will help them to set and release more easily. Use a small knife or spatula to loosen the edges before inverting them onto a plate.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your lava cakes come out perfectly and don't stick to the baking dish.

Why is my lava cake not rising?

There could be several reasons why your lava cake is not rising:

Over mixing

If you over mix the batter, it can cause the cake to not rise properly. This is because over mixing can create too much gluten, which can make the cake dense and heavy.

Leavening agent:

 Lava cakes typically use baking powder or baking soda as a leavening agent. If your leavening agent is old or expired, it may not work properly, resulting in a cake that does not rise.

Oven temperature:

 If the oven temperature is too low, the cake may not rise properly. Be sure to preheat your oven to the correct temperature before baking the cake.


 If you take the cake out of the oven too early, it may not have had enough time to rise. Be sure to follow the baking time specified in the recipe.

Incorrect ingredients: 

If you have used the wrong ingredients, this can also affect the rising of the cake. Make sure you follow the recipe exactly as written.

Too much moisture:

 If there is too much moisture in the batter, it can weigh down the cake and prevent it from rising. Make sure you are using the correct ratio of wet to dry ingredients.

Check these possible causes to help you troubleshoot why your lava cake isn't rising.

How do you have at least some idea when a chocolate lava cake is finished?

Chocolate lava cakes are a decadent dessert that is best served warm with a gooey chocolate center. The key to determining whether a chocolate lava cake is done is to check the consistency of the center.

Here are some tips to help you know when a chocolate lava cake is done:

Bake time: 

The typical baking time for a chocolate lava cake is 12-14 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the recipe and your oven, so keep an eye on your cake while it bakes.


The outside of the cake should look firm and set. If the cake is still jiggly or looks wet, it is not done yet.

Toothpick test: 

Insert a toothpick into the center of the cake. If it comes out clean, the cake is fully cooked. If there is still some batter or melted chocolate on the toothpick, the cake needs more time in the oven.


Keep in mind that the lava cakes will continue to cook and set up as they cool, so don't worry if the center looks a bit undercooked when you take them out of the oven. Let them rest for a few minutes before serving.

Remember, the goal is to have a molten, gooey center that is warm and rich. Overcooking the cake will result in a dry, crumbly center, so it's better to err on the side of undercooking it a bit.

How are lava cakes liquid inside?

Lava cakes, also known as molten chocolate cakes, have a liquid chocolate center that oozes out when you cut into them. The secret to their liquid interior lies in the baking process.

Lava cakes are typically made by partially baking a chocolate cake batter in individual ramekins. The ramekins are then filled with a chocolate ganache, which is a mixture of chocolate and cream. The ganache center is what creates the liquid interior of the cake.

The ramekins are then baked for a short amount of time until the edges of the cake are set but the center is still soft and gooey. This is achieved by baking the cake at a high temperature for a short amount of time, which sets the outside of the cake while leaving the center undercooked.

When you cut into the cake, the ganache center melts and flows out, creating the signature molten lava effect.

Why does my lava cake crack?

There are a few reasons why a lava cake might crack:


 If you bake your lava cake for too long, it can cause it to dry out and crack. The key to a perfect lava cake is to bake it just until the edges are set and the center is still soft and gooey.

Under baking:

 On the other hand, if you underbake your lava cake, it can also cause it to crack. This is because the cake won't have enough structure to hold up the molten center.

Incorrect ingredient proportions: 

If the recipe you're using has too much liquid or not enough flour, it can cause the cake to crack as well. The batter needs to have the right balance of ingredients to create a stable structure.

Sudden temperature changes: 

If you take your lava cake out of the oven and put it on a cold surface, it can cause the cake to contract and crack. To avoid this, let the cake cool for a few minutes in the pan before removing it.

By paying attention to these factors, you can help ensure that your lava cake comes out perfectly, without any unsightly cracks.

What makes cake sticky inside?

Several factors can contribute to a cake being sticky inside:

Too much moisture: 

If a cake has too much moisture, it can make the inside sticky. This could be due to using too much liquid in the batter or underbaking the cake.

High sugar content: 

Sugar can attract moisture and create a sticky texture. If a cake has a high sugar content, it may be sticky inside.

Under baking

If a cake is not baked long enough, the inside may not set properly and remain sticky.


High humidity can cause a cake to absorb moisture from the air and become sticky.


 If a cake is stored in an airtight container while it's still warm, condensation can form inside the container and make the cake sticky.

To avoid a sticky cake, it's important to follow the recipe carefully and bake the cake until it's fully cooked. Proper storage in a cool, dry place can also help prevent stickiness.

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